15 Dec 2017

Breathe: A project by Malcolm Mackenzie, SEA

In this fast paced 21st century world we find ourselves living in, the difficulties faced in trying to disconnect literally and metaphorically, can leave us feeling anxious and stressed. In the city we are exposed every day to numbers of people, vehicles, noise and other stimulants that often do not leave time for slow thought and consideration. Stepping away from the noise of the city, and disconnecting from modern life, can give people a chance to breathe and consider the company and wonder of nature.

On the 8th of January a large City Screen on Fenwick Road, Glasgow, which has generously been offered by Forrest Media, will play host to a site specific video work. The work, reminds viewers of the importance of taking a step back from some of the challenges faced by city living. Through the use of a large corporate advertising screen, my aim is also to instigate conversation and explore further ideas pertaining to the commodification of our rural landscapes and fresh air.

GSA Sustainability, has kindly offered a number of return train tickets for people to go and see this work, further details will be given at the start of the new term, with more information.

Merry Christmas
Malcolm Mackenzie