

Look after yourself

Living a sustainable life is about more than saving energy or buying less. Study and work can often be stressful, and the GSA has a range of help available from Student Support. Check out the latest advice on the Student Intranet

You can find ways to combat the cost of living crisis on our dedicated page.

A sense of Agency

Agency is about the power we feel we have to address an issue. We can feel overwhelmed by wicked problems like climate change or biodiversity loss. If we can acknowledge the seriousness of a situation (gain knowledge), examine why we don’t react well to this knowledge (the psychology) we can work towards acceptance and action. You can also learn to live with worry identifying the signs and looking after yourself better.

The best way to take action is through your own practice: examining the materials you use, your subject matter, and your ability as a skilled practitioner to make a positive contribution.

You can also learn to think ‘dialectically’ where we try and hold two ideas simultaneously, so we learn to see the World as a complex, beautiful place rather than in simple good/bad. We can learn how to hope rather than blind optimism, and to express ourselves through our art. Perspective – what is happening, who is doing what, how good or bad things really are, is an ongoing exploration! We found this article thoughtful and helpful.

Your responsibility is limited. These are big issues, but there are many of us who can take action. Your impacts are relatively small, but the impact you could have through your practice and future career far outweigh these impacts. Don’t get too hung up on what materials you can or can’t use, but journal your thoughts and decisions, and create with awareness. Your art is both the best response you can have, and the best therapy for any anxiety you have.

To discuss this further, email the Sustainability Coordinator John


Student Minds is the UK’s student mental health charity. Empowering students and members of the university community to look after their own mental health, support others and create change.

The NHS offers advice on keeping bad-stress levels lower and enjoying life – and your studies or work – more. Make contact with fellow students who share common worries or aims as you.

If you’re worried about changes in our climate and ecosystem, often termed Eco-anxiety, you’re not alone. we have shared Ro Randall’s thinking on coping with the climate crisis. Ro is a renowned psychoanalytically trained psychotherapist involved with the Climate Psychology Alliance

Check out this guide to worry and how to work with it.

Ro Randall is a psychotherapist who has been active in the climate movement since 2005. She has written widely on the psychology of climate change, watch her take on climate anxiety

GSA students can attend the University of Glasgow’s Chaplaincy service

Architecture students can contact the Architecture Benevolent Society who support Architecture students.

...and if you have to sit a lot at work or practice, find ways not to.

You may find the changes in our World overwhelming. But you don’t need to fix everything – ‘Films for Action’ are here to help show you how positive changes in your practice can help change the World, one step at a time.

Create structure to your day, include yoga and exercise if you can. Chill out in Garnethill Park just by our Haldane building, or there’s a brilliant secret garden at GCU, just left of the main gate by the Transport Police building, a short walk from the GSA.

When you eat and what you eat matters. Try eating differently at breakfast and lunchtime to give yourself more energy. Avoid alcohol and other drugs if you’re feeling down, alcohol especially will make things worse.

Meditation is a way of centring and calming your mind, try the Kadampa Meditation Centre, or learn about Mindfulness and we’ve worked with Vicky Kakos at The Wee Retreat

Men can contact Andy’s Man Club for support, a chat and a brew.

MIND the mental health charity has more advice.

If you think someone is having suicidal thoughts, talk to them about it. Asking them if they’re considering hurting themselves or of committing suicide won’t make it happen, but it may release the pent-up strain of the pain they feel and open them up to seek help.

Reactions to our Environment

We’re all affected by artificial chemicals in our environment, and if you’re feeling poorly or lacking energy you may be reacting to poor air quality or pollution in your home, workplace, or outside. There is help available


Yoga is proven to help reduce stress and anxiety, and GSA Yoga runs regular classes throughout the year for everyone. There’s plenty of other sports on too.

Yoga is proven to help reduce stress and anxiety, and GSA Yoga runs regular classes throughout the year for everyone.

GSA Yoga welcomes students for all levels of yoga; from beginners to expert yogis!

Yoga opens and awakens you. It’ll give you flexibility, stamina and peace of mind. If you dedicate yourself to yoga you’ll feel a change upon you which can be quite liberating and revealing to yourself as a person. Some feel, just after one session, a flicker to a prominent uplifting change.

As students we are subjected to stress and vulnerability, therefore yoga would be extremely beneficial for our well-being. It is vital for us to care for our body, mind and soul. We should dedicate an hour a day to ourselves and GSA Yoga aims to encourage this alongside your university life! Therefore I think it’ll be a great idea for us to take 1 hour/ 1 hour and 30 mins out of our studio time to relax and do yoga at least weekly for now!

GSA Yoga can be used as a platform to organise set classes on campus by hiring professional teachers, student lead yoga sessions and have yoga related discussions.
If you have any suggestions or changes please do let us know!!

Keep an eye on GSA Yoga’s wall for more details.